CMD’s Vision is to relentlessly advance technology, deliver the most reliable capital equipment, and pursue excellence in customer service for the benefit of our customers. Dedicated efforts of loyal employees allow the company to deliver on the promise of the CMD vision. It is CMD’s goal to ensure a culture that is built on trust, respect and employee engagement.
CMD recognizes and congratulates the following employees for benchmark years of service:
35 Years: Keith Pennings
30 Years: John Christensen, Frank Lohrer, Michael Stickney
25 Years: Robert Beschta, Scott Matilla, Londell Seager
20 Years: Matt Jorgensen, Chris White
15 Years: Scott Beinema, Kevin Buenning, Doug Main, Jay Osswald
10 Years: Jack Krcma
5 Years: Casey Calmes, Jeffrey Chappell, Jesse Feldkamp, James Gorring, Amy Hacker-Ott, Scott Hoffman, Craig Knutson, Garrett LaBerge, Lisa Lemm and Bree Sweetack.
Thanks to all for your loyalty and dedication!
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